Anglican Worship Resources Society
founded 1898

                      Province of Ontario

Edward the Seventh by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas King defender of the Faith Emperor of India

To all whom these Presents shall Come 
Whereas The Ontario Companies Act provides that with the exceptions therein memtioned the Lieutenant Governor of Our Province of Ontario may by Letters Patent under the Great Seal create and constitute bodies corporate and politic for any of the purposes to which the authority of the Legislature of Ontario extends

And Whereas by their Petition in that behalf the persons herin mentioned have prayed for Letters Patent constituting them a body corporate and politic for the due carrying out of the undertaking hereinafter set forth

And Whereas it has been made to appear to the satisfaction of Our Lieutenant Governor that the said persons have complied with the conditions precedent to the grant of the desired Letters Patent and that the said undertaking is within the scope of the said Act

Now therefore Know Ye that under the authority of the hereinbefore in part recited Statute and of any other power or authority whatsoever in Us vested in this behalf

We do by these Our Royal Letters Patent hereby create and constitute 
the Persons hereinafter named that is to say

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to Letters Patent page 2
Under the Ontario Companies Act