THE CHURCH BIBLE AND PRAYER-BOOK SOCIETY, a subsisting and valid Corporation incorporated under The Act respecting Benevolent, Provident and other Societies (Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chapter 211) and any others who have or may hereafter become subscribers to the Memorandum of agreement of the Corporation, and their successors, respectively, a Corporation without share capital for the  purposes and objects following, that is to say:

TO promote Christian knowledge and for the furtherance of that object, (a) To  deal in, purchase, print and publish for sale and sell, (1) Church literature and supplies of all kinds and more particularly bibles, prayer-books, hymn-boooks and any other books used in the services of the Church of England; (2) Books or publications useful to the clergy or other members of the Church or for use in Sunday-school or other libraries in connection with undertakings of the Church or of any parish; and (3) Any other books, maps, charts, photographs, music or other printed matter; (b)  TO supply such books and other publications and printed matter to parishes or to members of the Society or others upon such terms as by rules or by-laws or otherwise may be prescribed;  (c)   TO raise by the means aforesaid any by voluntary contributions of members and others, funds for the purposes of the Society, and  (d)  TO make grants of books or of money out of any funds of the Society by way of aid to parishes, missions or any undertakings of the Church or of any parish and amongst the poor, sailors, workmen, immigrants and charitable institutions and in the spiritually destitute places;

THE CORPORATE NAME of the Corporation to be 

T H E  C H U R C H  B I B L E  A N D  P R A Y E R - B O O K   S O C I E T Y;

THE UNDERTAKING of the Corporation to be carried on at the City of Toronto, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, and 

THE FIRST DIRECTORS of the corporation to be The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Toronto; Reverend Canon John D'Arcy Cayley; Reverend Canon John Farncomb; Reverend Anthony Hart; Reverend Thomas Wilson Paterson; Reverend Richard Seaborn; Reverend Edward Cartwright Cayley; Reverend Arthur James Fidler; Reverend William Leonard Baynes-Reed; Reverend Herbert Ogilvie Tremayne; John Shortiss Barber, Excise Officer, Inland Revenue Department; William Henry Lockhart Gordon, Dyce Willcocks Saunders, Thomas Langton and Thomas Edward Moberly, Barristers-at-Law; William Henry Worden, Druggist; William Jacob Dyas, Publisher, and Charles James Agar, Civil Servant.

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Anglican Worship Resources Society
founded 1898