Vol. I, Edition 1 May 2003
Who Are We? What Do We Do? How Do We Do It?
The Anglican Worship Resources Society has been nationally incorporated as a charitable non-profit organization since 1898. Its purpose is to assist needy Anglican communities in Canada with financial support in the acquisition of resources for worship.
The organization started as the Anglican Church Bible and Prayer Book Society, then became the Church Bible and Prayer Book Society and in it’s 100th year became the Anglican Worship Resources Society. In the 100 years of its existence, the Society has assisted many Anglican parishes across Canada to purchase hymn books, prayer books and Bibles in several languages. Traditionally, the Society pays for one half of the cost of books and other resources needed.
The Society membership is comprised of a Board of Directors drawn from members of the Anglican Church of Canada, both clerical and lay. They meet four times a year to receive and discuss applications for assistance.
Any Anglican congregation or group needing help to purchase resources for worship and Christian education may apply for assistance prior to purchase.
The work of the Society is entirely dependent and supported by voluntary contributions. These come from parishes, congregations, church organizations, dioceses, groups and individuals. The Society, a registered charity, issues receipts for income tax purposes for all donation amounts received. A very small amount of these funds is directed to administrative costs, as volunteers do the majority of the work.
The continuing work of the Society depends on your prayers, interest, financial support and personal recommendations to others. The Anglican Worship Resources Society has been an integral part of the Anglican Church for over one hundred years and prays that it may continue to do its work for a long time to come.
Happenings in 2002
The Board of Directors met in February, May, September and December 2002. During these meetings, the Society received and reviewed applications for assistance from twenty-two (22) parishes in twelve (12) Dioceses. These parishes were Brandon, Caledonia, Cariboo, Central Newfoundland, Fredericton, Manitoba, New Westminster, Nova Scotia, Rupert’s Land, Saskatchewan, Toronto and Western Newfoundland.
In total these parishes received:
204 Common Praise hymn books
63 Book of Alternative Services books
120 Cree language Hymn & Psalm books
110 Book of Common Prayer books
60 other resources or books
These parishes greatly appreciated the help they received from the Anglican Worship Resources Society.
Annual Meeting Anglican Worship Resources Society
February 3, 2003
The annual meeting of the Society took place Monday, February 3, 2003 at 600 Jarvis Street, Toronto.
The Rev. Canon James Woolley (Vice-chair), The Rev. Canon Thomas Greene, The Rev. Peter Bishop, Mr. Brad Harvey (Treasurer), Mr. Robert Rhodes (Public Relations), Mrs. Betty Baker (Secretary), Mrs. Gladys McClellan (Vice-chair), Mr. Gordon Baker, Mrs. Jane Cook, and Mrs. Shirley Fraser, were in attendance. The Rev. Roy Shepherd (Chair), and Mrs. June Dyer (Diocesan ACW) sent regrets.
The Rev. Jack Roney and his wife Frances have retired from AWRS. Mrs. Bonnie Roberts was introduced as a new member of the Society.
The financial statement for year-end was prepared by Mr. Harvey and audited by Mr. Baker and Mrs. Fraser. Current resources on hand (to provide assistance) total $42, 873.00. A total of $10,365.00 was spent for worship resources in 2002. Donations received in 2002 totaled $4,593.
Word from Those AWRS has Helped
“We are an inner city native parish, and have no Cree language worship resources, also our English language prayer books and hymnals are falling apart.”
This was the request from a parish ministry aimed primarily at First Nations Anglicans. The new books provided will help the parish improve its English language worship, while also enabling them to still include Cree language hymns in worship and assist elders who can read syllabics only to follow hymns and Psalms.
“I want to thank the Anglican Worship Resources Society for its donation towards the purchase of books for our Church.”
The historic church of St. John’s, Lunenburg, suffered a devastating fire in 2002 and are replacing books that were lost in the fire with AWRS’s help.
A very enthusiastic small parish that is experiencing some difficulties with the change in the status of the Cariboo diocese, are “not letting that defeat us”. They are mainly an older parish, but are growing slowly and taking part in community events and services. At the time of their application, they were using old hymnals, in rather poor condition, donated from another parish. Music is a very important part of their worship and must appeal to people of all ages and several faith backgrounds. AWRS paid one half of the cost of several new “Common Praise” hymn books. The parish received them just before Christmas and wrote to AWRS to say what a “wonderful Christmas gift”.
HOW Can You Become Involved?
The work of the Society is entirely supported by voluntary contributions from parishes, congregations, church organizations, dioceses, groups and individuals. “The Anglican Worship Resources Society is working from a decreasing resource base and is now depleting its reserve capital.” Please give prayerful consideration to donating to help the Society continue to assist our brothers and sisters to spread the word – of the Good News.
For information contact us at 600 Jarvis St., Toronto, or 3535 S. Common Crt.., Mississsauga