Vol.V, Edition 1

Spring 2009
Who Are We? What Do We Do? How Do We Do It?
The Anglican Worship Resources Society is a nationally based group that has been incorporated as a charitable non-profit organization since 1898. Its purpose is to assist needy Anglican communities in Canada with financial support in the acquisition of resources for worship and to provide Christian knowledge.
The organization has undergone two name changes since its beginning as the Church Bible and Prayer Books Society, namely to the Anglican Church Bible and Prayer Book Society, and in its 100th year, became the Anglican Worship Resources Society. In the 111 years of its existence, it has sent out many thousands of books and continues to help parishes by paying up to one half the cost of books required. The Society has assisted many less fortunate Anglican parishes across Canada to purchase hymn books, prayer books and Bibles in several languages.
The Society's membership is comprised of a Board of Directors drawn from members of the Anglican Church of Canada, both clerical and lay. They meet four times a year to receive and discuss applications for assistance.
Any Anglican congregation or group needing help to purchase resources for worship and Christian education may apply for assistance prior to purchase.
The work of the Society is entirely dependent and supported by voluntary contributions. These come from parishes, congregations, church organizations, dioceses, groups and individuals. The Society, a registered charitable organization, issues receipts for income tax purposes for all donation amounts. A very small amount of these funds is directed to administrative costs, but volunteers do the majority of the work.
The continuing work of the Society depends on your prayers, interest, financial support and personal recommendations to others. The Anglican Worship Resources Society has been an integral part of the Anglican Church for over one hundred and nine years and prays that it may continue to do its work for a long time to come.
Happenings in 2008
The Board of Directors met in February, May, September and December 2008. During these meetings, the Society received and reviewed applications for assistance from many parishes from several different Dioceses.

Grants were made toward the purchase of:

81 Common Praise hymn books

Book of Alternative Services
Since the first printing of the new hymn book, Common Praise, we have been able to help with the purchase of over 1,900 books of Common Praise
Annual Meeting AWRS February, 2008
The annual meeting of the Society took place at St. Thomas à Becket Anglican Church
The confirmed officers include: The Rev. Canon James Woolley (Chair), Gladys McClellan (Vice-chair), Brad Harvey (Treasurer), Betty Baker (Secretary), and Robert Rhodes (Public Relations). Directors are: Gord Baker, Jane Cook, Shirley Fraser, The Ven. Thomas Greene, Bonnie Roberts, The Rev. Roy Shepherd and The Rev. Charles Storton, Director Emeritus.
Later in 2008, Betty Baker died.
Word from/to Those AWRS has Helped
The Parish of Cox’s Cove, McIvers, NL
“We thank you most sincerely that AWRS is continuing to support congregations in purchasing books for their churches. It means a lot to have such generous assistance, especially when many of our churches need the books, but due to financial difficulties they are not always in the position to purchase them themselves.
We thank you for being there for us when we needed your assistance. And we pray that God will continue to bless your ministry as you have been a blessing to us.”
We are so grateful for your generous donation. Now our rector won’t need to pack them back and forth between parishes every Sunday.”
St. Margaret’s Anglican Church, Vanier, Ontario
“Thank you for your generous donation toward the purchase of copies of the Eastern Arctic Hymn Book. They will make our hosting of services in Inukitut much easier. We have hosted several services in Inukitut for the Inuit community in the Ottawa/Vanier area.
There are an estimated 1,000 to 1,500 Inuit households in Ottawa and most of them are located in the vicinity of St. Margaret’s and we are attempting to minister to and empower the community, and your gift will go a long way to making that possible.”
Word to One Who has Helped AWRS
To A.C.W. Christ Church Cathedral, Whitehorse YT
”Once again, on behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank you so much for the donation to the Anglican Worship Resources Society…In the past three years we have assisted over 100 needy parishes from every Diocese in Canada,…to purchase Hymn Books, Prayer Books and Bibles. They would not have been able to have new books in their present circumstances without the help of the AWRS….We thank you again for your donation.
HOW Can You Become Involved?
The work of the Society is entirely supported by voluntary contributions from parishes, congregations, church organizations, dioceses, groups and individuals. “The Anglican Worship Resources Society is working from a decreasing resource base and is now depleting its reserve capital.” Please give prayerful consideration to how you may help the Society continue to assist our brothers and sisters to spread the word – of the Good News.
For more information contact us:
c/o St. Thomas à Becket Anglican Church, 3535 S. Common Crt., Mississsauga, Ont., L5L 2B3.