Vol. III, Edition 1

Spring 2006
Who Are We? What Do We Do? How Do We Do It?
The Anglican Worship Resources Society is a nationally based group that has been incorporated as a charitable non-profit organization since 1898. Its purpose is to assist needy Anglican communities in Canada with financial support in the acquisition of resources for worship, and to provide Christian knowledge.
The organization has undergone two name changes since beginning as the Anglican Church Bible and Prayer Book Society, namely the Church Bible and Prayer Book Society and in it’s 100th year became the Anglican Worship Resources Society. In the 105 years of its existence, it has sent out many thousands of books and continues to help parishes by paying up to one half the cost of books required. The Society has assisted many less fortunate Anglican parishes across Canada to purchase hymn books, prayer books and Bibles in several languages. And recently AWRS has been able to assist with unique requests to enhance worship through newer technology -- for example, a CD-ROM of BAS , and a microphone for an audio system.
The Society's membership is comprised of a Board of Directors drawn from members of the Anglican Church of Canada, both clerical and lay. They meet four times a year to receive and discuss applications for assistance.
Any Anglican congregation or group needing help to purchase resources for worship and Christian education may apply for assistance prior to purchase.
The work of the Society is entirely dependent upon and supported by voluntary contributions. These come from parishes, congregations, church organizations, dioceses, groups and individuals. The Society, a registered charity, issues receipts for income tax purposes for all donation amounts received. A very small amount of these funds is directed to administrative costs, as volunteers do the majority of the work.
The continuing work of the Society depends on your prayers, interest, financial support and personal recommendations to others. The Anglican Worship Resources Society has been an integral part of the Anglican Church for over one hundred and seven years and prays that it may continue to do its work for a long time to come.
Happenings in 2005
The Board of Directors met in February, May, September and December 2005. During these meetings, the Society received and reviewed applications for assistance from ten parishes in eight Dioceses: These were Quebec, Qu'Appelle, Central Newfoundland, Saskatchewan, Rupert's Land Toronto, British Columbia and Fredericton

In total these parishes received:

103 Common Praise hymn books

195 Book of Alternative Services books

190 Book of Common Prayer

100 Hymns & Praises in theCree Language
A donation for the purchase of a BAS CD-ROM was given.
As is our custom, the December meeting began witht the celebration of the Lord's Supper at St. Thomas a Becket Church, followed by the quarterly meting and lunch in the church lounge. Letters of thanks and appreciation for the work of the AWRS received from parishes were shared at this time.
Annual Meeting Anglican Worship Resources Society
February 7, 2005
The annual meeting of the Society took place Monday, February 7, 2005 at St. Thomas a Becket Church in Mississauga.
The newly elected officers include: The Rev. Canon James Woolley (Chair), Gladys McClellan (Vice-chair), Brad Harvey (Treasurer), Betty Baker (Secretary), and Robbie Rhodes (Public Relations). Directors are: Gordon Baker, The Rev. Peter Bishop, Jane Cook, June Dyer, Shirley Fraser, The Ven. Thomas Greene, The Rev. Roy Shepherd, and Bonnie Roberts. The Rev. Charles Storton is Director Emeritus.
In March we received with regret the resignation of June Dyer, representing the Diocesan ACW. In December, we were both shocked and saddened to learn of the death of The Rev. Peter Bishop in an automobile accident. Peter had been a member of the
AWRS since May 2001, and brought with him a keen sense of humour and a vast knowledge of the Church in the North.
Word from/to Those AWRS has Helped & Who Helped AWRS
Re: The church of the good Shepherd, Cumberland House, Sasskatchewan, request from Michael E. Averyt, Archedecon of Prince Albert:
"This congregation is within one of our First Nations' communities and is served by the Rev. Park Buck. The congregation has few prayer books and hymn books, and those theydo have are in very poor repair. The congregation does not have a lot of resources and is ministered to by a non-stipendiary First Nations priest. The parishioners have, however, managed to raise 50%of the cost towards the books."
The AWRS was pleased to be able to pay one half of the cost of 100 BCP and 100 Hymns and Praises in the Cree language. In his thank-you letter to AWRS, Archedecon averyt said, "These books will make a difference in Cumberland House. Thank you for your work with the Worship Resources Society."
Re: Saint Benedict's Table, a worshipping community rooted in an ancient future, Winnepeg Manitoba:
"Saint Benedict's Table is not a particularly conventional mission...not defined by geographical boundaries, but ratehr by demographics; we have been established to provide ministry to people intheeir 20's and 30's...attendance and interest is growing and is now in the 70's on Sunday evenings. Our simplified Eucharistic liturgy draws primarily from the BAS, but we do not place copies of the actual book in the hands of worshippers. We would like to purchase the new CD-ROM licensed edition of the BAS, which would enable us to draw on all the liturgical texts without violating any copyright."
The AWRS was pleased to send them a donation towards the purchase of the CD-ROM and wished them success in this new venture.
HOW Can You Become Involved?
The work of the Society is entirely supported by voluntary contributions from parishes, congregations, church organizations, dioceses, groups and individuals. “The Anglican Worship Resources Society is working from a decreasing resource base and is now depleting its reserve capital.” Please give prayerful consideration to how you may help the Society continue to assist our brothers and sisters to spread the word – of the Good News.
For more information contact us:
c/o St. Thomas a Becket Anglican Church, 3535 S. Common Crt., Mississsauga, Ont., L5L 2B3.